Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, The last of life, for which the first was made: Our times are in His hand Who saith "A whole I planned, Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!" - From "Rabbi Ben Ezra" by Robert Browning

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Maggie Update

Maggie is doing great! She had her follow-up with the Veterinarian this afternoon and got a good report. A few more days of antibiotics and she'll be completely out of the woods!

After we got her to the vet last week, Maggie showed marked improvement within 24 hours, and she has continued to improve with leaps and bounds daily. She's more active, and close to being her old self again!

The top layer of Maggie's skin, which had turned red with the infection, has yellowed, and is peeling away. The doctor said it was to be expected. The wounds are healing well, so Maggie will be able to spend more time outside, an hour at a time.

Maggie has even gained a little weight since last Thursday. That's no wonder since her appetite has been good, and she hasn't had to do anything more athletic than lay around the house for the last five days!

So all is well for now, and we actually have several days in the next two weeks where we aren't scheduled to be anywhere but home! I even had time this evening to do a bit of planting in the garden, but I'll catch you up on that later!

1 comment:

  1. That's good to know, I hope her hair grows back quickly!
